Modern Hope

Thoughts on the future and the environment

Welcome to Modern Hope

Modern Hope is a Blog filled with thought, intrigue, science, adventure, and philosophy.

It is the story of two young scholars from the University of Texas at Dallas who somehow ended up as non-governmental delegates to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COP15) in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Things we see, the things we think, the things we hear, and the things we believe will all appear here.

To the right, you will see links to Josh’s and Saskia’s sections of the blog underneath the heading “categories.”  Saskia is writing on technology and environmental solutions, as well as posting pictures and letting everybody know what fun things are going on.  She updates regularly with what is going on here at the COP 15.  Josh, on the other hand, tends toward the literary side.  He updates every few days with the philosophical underpinnings of the event as seen through they eyes of the young generation.  Or you can read them all together by going to the “All Posts” page.

We hope you enjoy reading us!  Please feel free to comment and have discussions as long as you are nice to one another.

Peace and Hope,

Josh Brumett and Saskia Versteeg

Written by modernhope

December 11, 2009 at 5:35 pm